Art Studio
Los Angeles Valley College Art Department programs encourage students to engage in the wide possibilities of visual communication while engaging them in imagining and building their ideas in art forms. Art History and Studio classes encourage the development of cultural awareness, creative thinking and human expression. Students learn skills and problem solving that apply to their pursuit of creating, thinking, obtaining jobs, transfer to universities, as well as to many other disciplines. Students in the Art Department reflect the campus demographics, but while Art History students tend to be more transfer-oriented, Studio Art students have more diverse goals; some go directly into industry, while others transfer to four-year institutions.

Art: Studio Degrees
Click the tabs below to find out about the Studio Art degrees.
Associates in Arts for Transfer
Studio Art is the study of the creative production of visual images and forms that capture diverse human perspectives on culture through a variety of media. The program encourages students to engage in the wide possibilities of visual communication while engaging them in creating and building ideas in art for Studio classes encourage the development of cultural awareness, creative thinking and human expression. This degree provides students with a broad skill set that includes critical thinking and problem solving applicable to articulation to higher education and various professional skills. Contact counselor for more information.
Associate in Arts
The AA in Art: Studio is designed to provide art students greater breadth and depth than the AA-T in Studio Arts. It is designed to provide students instruction to refine their craft in art production, especially to produce a competitive portfolio for submission for acceptance into an art program at a UC or a dedicated art school. An art education at Los Angeles Valley College provides pathways into graphic design, illustration, two-dimensional design, painting, three-dimensional design and sculpture, art gallery exhibition, and art history. An art education develops skills that can be applied in various creative areas, such as graphic design, illustration, motion picture, television, theater, fashion, fabrication, stage set design and of course fine art production. Students applying for transfer to UC may benefit from taking up to 3 additional Art History courses in List B. Contact counselor for more information.
Faculty Profiles
Click below to learn about the Studio Art faculty.